How to summarise the year? No lock downs. Mild winter and sunny days.
The garden volunteers worked enthusiastically every Wednesday and Saturday. New gardeners joined us and we hope they will continue. There is always more work than resources so new recruits are welcome. Former volunteers have kept in touch on WhatsApp providing encouragement and support.
It poured rain for the plant sale in May but we sold a lot of plants, and encouraged visitors to come back another day. At Kaleidoscope in July volunteers sold strawberries, tried archery and tai chi, and enjoyed music and mud.
There were good crops of gooseberries, blackcurrants, and autumn raspberries with lots of jam to sell. We finally gave up on the summer raspberries and dug them up. The apple crop was harvested by Falling Fruit and donated to Food Cloud. From the glasshouse we had tomatoes, cucumber, and delicious melons.
The wooden benches, donated in memory of RHSI members, were carefully restored and well used by visitors to sit and admire the garden.
Thirteen different groups with over 200 people were shown around the garden as part of their visit to Russborough house. If you know of any organisation that would like a tour of the garden, please contact the RHSI office and we will be happy to show you around.
Plans for 2023 include a re-sown, and we hope, scutch free wildflower bed, further restoration work on the old boiler house, and redesigning the holding bed area. Plant sales are our main source of income so propagating and dividing will continue to be important.
It is your garden so do come and see it. We have had photography groups, artists, entomologists and weddings. All are welcome.
Open Wednesdays and Saturdays from 11th January and feel free to bring your gloves and secateurs.
Laurelmere Cottage,
Marlay Park,
Grange Road,
Dubin 16,
D16 H9T4,
Tel: +353 1 493 7154
Copyright © 2014 - 2025. RHSI. All rights reserved.