Organic Growing and Sustainable Living Skills
One year full-time Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) Level 5 Course where you choose your modules leading to a certificate in Horticulture
You’ll develop organic gardening skills so you’ll be able to grow fruit, veg and herbs the healthy organic way
Part time and Distance Learning options are also available
Leading to a QQI Level 5 Certificate in Horticulture.
One Year full-time course. (Part time options available)
This course is one of only a few like it in Ireland and runs from mid September to late May. It features lectures, demonstrations and group discussions, field trips and tours.
The course consists of modules, some of which are nationally written and common to other Education bodies under Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI). Many of the modules have been specially written by teachers within the Organic and Co-operative movement. Because it is modular based and nationally certified, students wishing to continue to study further can have their awards recognised at whatever level achieved.
Laurelmere Cottage,
Marlay Park,
Grange Road,
Dubin 16,
D16 H9T4,
Tel: +353 1 493 7154
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