Sweet peas, with their delicate fragrance and vibrant colors, add charm to any garden. To cultivate these lovely flowers successfully, consider the following expert tips on where, when, and how to grow sweet peas.
Where to Grow Sweet Peas:
The key to flourishing sweet peas lies in providing the right environment. Choose a location with fertile soil that retains moisture while ensuring proper drainage. Sweet peas thrive in full sun, so find a spot where they can bask in the sunshine.
When to Plant Sweet Peas:
For optimal results, sow sweet pea seeds between October and April. Aim for late October/November or late February/March to avoid midwinter challenges. Direct sowing into the ground is also possible in April or May. Plant seedlings during a mild spell between March and May.
How to Plant Sweet Peas:
Sowing Sweet Pea Seeds:
Sweet pea seeds have a hard coat; consider soaking them in liquid seaweed fertilizer before sowing.
Use rootrainers or loo rolls for a deep, narrow root run, promoting healthy growth.
Sow seeds in peat-free, multi-purpose potting compost, planting two seeds per pot.
Germinate in an unheated greenhouse or cold frame in autumn or spring, or on a windowsill in midwinter.
Regularly check for germination, keeping the seedlings cool at around 5°C (40°F).
Pinch out leaders when there are three or four pairs of leaves to encourage side shoot formation.
Planting Sweet Pea Seedlings:
Plant seedlings outdoors in March-May, ensuring a mild spell.
Use organic material like farmyard manure in the planting position and provide vertical support.
Surround plants with slug prevention, using a strip of washed inland sharp sand.
Tie young plants into the frame regularly to promote strong growth.
Feed every couple of weeks with a tomato or comfrey feed.
Growing Sweet Peas in a Pot:
Choose a deep container pot with a climbing frame for compact or dwarf varieties.
Create a DIY teepee with birch or hazel twigs for container-grown sweet peas.
How to Care for Sweet Peas:
Ensure thorough watering, especially during dry periods, to prevent stress.
Feed sweet peas every couple of weeks with a general fertilizer or potash-rich tomato feed.
Provide vertical support using a teepee or arch, tying in plants regularly for optimal growth.
Regularly remove seed pods to prevent seed formation and encourage continuous flower production.
Collect and store seeds for propagation in winter, understanding that resulting plants may vary slightly from the parent.
By following these guidelines, you’ll cultivate robust and vibrant sweet peas, ensuring a stunning display in your garden.
Laurelmere Cottage,
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Grange Road,
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