Written by Dee Seewell for the RHSI The Journal Spring 22
I first began working with community gardens in 2011 when I was invited by Kilkenny Education Training Board to run a gardening class in a small, rural development office garden, with an enormous polytunnel.
As soon as the group met it became apparent that this would be more than a series of simple workshops. A gathering of people had come together who were keen to transform the garden. They worked hard to create vegetable beds, flower borders and herb planters. They shared tea and cake, formed friendships, and learned from one another. The weeks turned to months and as the food grew to harvest, they shared it all, swapping recipes and meals, celebrating the harvest festival and the pre-Christmas wreath making and flower arranging. The next year they did it again, changing and adapting, welcoming new members, firming up friendships.
That, in essence, is what community gardening can be about. It’s as much about the social aspect as it is about gardening. Unlike allotments, where individuals and families rent a small piece of land and do all the work, taking home the harvest, community gardening is about sharing. Some community gardens are open all year to the public, others have set opening times and days, some are behind closed doors in therapeutic settings. Some community gardens share the space with allotments, whilst others might be more about fruit growing with community orchards. Some gardens only grow flowers, others everything imaginable. Complete beginners and experienced growers are always welcome, allowing people to learn from one another, and there are jobs for all, some more strenuous than others, depending upon your preference.
The benefits of community gardens are many, as those first gardeners found out for themselves. They mentioned how successes and failures of growing food are normal, they had a better appreciation of how difficult it can be to grow food, how long it takes, that they were able to try out different flavours that were once popular but not now available in supermarkets. They were surprised that they felt more connected to their community, more likely to shop locally and learnt about the seasonality of food.
If your appetite has been whetted and you’re thinking of joining a community garden, check out the map on www.cgireland.org to see if there’s one close by to you. If not, and you’d like to start one, the following shares a few steps to help you get started:
● Find some likeminded people, ask around, put up posters in local shops or social media. Think about what type of community garden you’d like and who will be using it.
● Find the land. Have a chat with your local Tidy Towns group, county council community section, parish church or family resource centre.
Once you have the people and the land, the rest will follow. In no particular order, start a club, join your Public Participation Network (PPN), approach your local Education Training Board for horticulture tutor help, gather tools and equipment and start fundraising for materials. Join Community Gardens Ireland so that you can connect with more people, pick up tips, advice and help along the way.
Dee Sewell
Dee Sewell is proprietor of Greenside Up, which promotes wellness, social inclusion & community development through social, community & therapeutic horticultural & environmental education. Based on the Carlow/Kilkenny border, Dee provides consultation, designs, talks, training, mentoring and talks about community gardening in Ireland. For more information see www.greensideup.ie
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